
the /stopwords/lists/ endpoint serves the names of the curated stopwords lists. Use /stopwords/lists/<name>/ to obtain one of these curated stopwords lists.


Requesting GET at /stopwords/lists/ provides a list of strings, where each entry is the name of one of the curated stopwords lists.


There are no special points to note about requesting the curated stopwords list names.


On success, the response includes a JSON data payload consisting of a JSON object with the key "list_names", associated with an array of strings. Each string in this array is the name of a curated stopwords list available on the Tesserae database.


Discover Curated Stopwords List Names


curl -i -X GET "https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/stopwords/lists/"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "list_names": [


NB: The POST method for /stopwords/lists/ is available only on the administrative server

Requesting POST at /stopwords/lists/ with an appropriate JSON data payload will add a stopwords list and an associated name to Tesserae’s database.


Appropriate JSON data for a POST at /stopwords/lists/ must be a JSON object containing the following keys:

Key Value
"name" A string representing the name of the stopwords lists.
"stopwords" An array of strings, where each string is a stopword.

If the value given to "name" is already used in Tesserae’s database for a stopwords list, the request will fail. If you wish to change the name of a list, consider performing a DELETE at /stopwords/lists/<name>/ followed by a POST at /stopwords/lists/.


On success, the response data payload contains the key "stopwords" associated with an array of strings. Additionally, the Content-Location header will specify the URL associated with this newly created stopwords list.

On failure, the data payload contains error information in a JSON object with the following keys:

Key Value
"data" The JSON object received as request data payload.
"message" A string explaining why the request data payload was rejected.


Create a New Stopwords List


curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
"https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/stopwords/lists/" \
--data-binary @- << EOF
  "name": "new-list",
  "stopwords": [


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Location: /stopwords/lists/new-list/

  "stopwords": [

Attempt to Create a New Stopwords List with a Name Already in the Database

Suppose that latin-lemma-10 is the name of one of the stopwords lists.


curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
"https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/stopwords/lists/" \
--data-binary @- << EOF
  "name": "latin-lemma-10",
  "stopwords": [


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

  "data": {
    "name": "latin-lemma-10",
    "stopwords": [
  "message": "The stopwords list name provided (latin-lemma-10) already exists in the database. If you meant to update the stopwords list, try a DELETE at https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/texts/latin-lemma-10/ first, then re-try this POST."

Attempt to Create a New Stopwords List with Insufficient Information


curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
"https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/stopwords/lists/" \
--data-binary @- << EOF
  "stopwords": [


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

  "data": {
    "stopwords": [
  "message": "No name provided."