
The /parallels/ endpoint interacts with Tesserae’s intertext discovery capabilities.


Requesting POST at /parallels/ submits a query for discovering intertexts between the texts available in Tesserae’s database. The query parameters should be sent as a JSON data payload.


The JSON data payload representing query parameters must contain the following keys.

Key Value
"source" A JSON object describing source units. Further details are available at Units. These units will be compared with the units described by "target" to find intertexts.
"target" A JSON object describing target units. Further details are available at Units. These units will be compared with the units described by "source" to find intertexts.
"method" A JSON object describing the scoring method used to evaluate the intertextual strength of a source text and target text pair. More information on specifying the scoring method can be found in Scoring Methods.


On success, one of two responses will be returned. The first is a 201 (created); the second is a 303 (see other). In either case, a Location header will specify the URL where the search results can be retrieved. Note that the URL specified in the Location header will conform to the /parallels/<uuid>/ endpoint.

The distinction between the two successful responses is a matter of whether the search results remain cached in the database. If the search results are not in cache at the time of the request, a 201 response is given, and the results, once the search is complete, are cached. If the search results are in cache at the time of the request, a 303 response is given and a URL identical to the one served when put into cache is served. For more details, see Cached Results.

On failure, the data payload contains error information in a JSON object with the following keys:

Key Value
"data" The JSON object received as request data payload.
"message" A string explaining why the request data payload was rejected.



curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
"https://tesserae.caset.buffalo.edu/api/parallels/" \
--data-binary @- << EOF
  "source": {
    "object_id": "5c6c69f042facf59122418f8",
    "units": "line"
  "target": {
    "object_id": "5c6c69f042facf59122418f6",
    "units": "line"
  "method": {
    "name": "original",
    "feature": "lemmata",
    "stopwords": [
      "qui", "quis", "sum", "et", "in",
      "is", "non", "hic", "ego", "ut"
    "score_basis": "lemmata",
    "freq_basis": "corpus",
    "max_distance": 10,
    "distance_basis": "frequency",
    "min_score": 0


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /parallels/some-uuid-for-results/